Returns & Refunds Policy
To be eligible for a return, the item must be in its original condition and in its original packaging and can be sent to us once we have approved the return. Once your return is approved, we’ll e-mail you a return shipping label along with the necessary instructions on where to send your package.
Returns & Refunds Policy
All returns & replacement shall be considered within 24 hrs from time of delivery of your order. Returns are not accepted except for certain exceptional cases where there is a clear damage or defect on the art piece at the time of delivery, a replacement will be sent in such cases. Please note that each work of art is made on order and for the customers selected size with a lot of effort and passion, refunds on orders once placed will only be entertained within 24hrs of placing the order.
Incase of non-availability of reverse pick-up facility in your area, you will need to self-ship the purchased item in original packing to the address provided once the return is approved. Depending on where you live, the time required for your exchanged product to reach you, may vary.